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Author name: Neha Ayhan

email verifier

The Best Email Verification Tool-Email Verifier Pro

Email Verifier Pro is the one and only email validation service script which works 100% and does the job that is meant to do.Email Verifier Pro is a handy tool for businesses and individuals to check and organize email addresses. It’s packed with advanced features and is easy to use, making it perfect for ensuring that your emails reach the right people. In this article, we’ll talk about why Email Verifier Pro is so useful, go over its main features, and answer common questions about verifying and managing emails. Email Verifier Pro: The Ultimate Tool for Email Validation and Management Email Verifier Pro is a potent program made to assist organizations and individuals in efficiently validating and managing email addresses. Email Verifier Pro is the go-to tool for guaranteeing the correctness and deliverability of email messages because to its sophisticated features and intuitive design. With Email Verifier Pro, you can improve your email marketing and get better results without all the hassle. Why Your Business Needs Email Verifier Pro? Having a clean email list is important for any business that uses email marketing. Email Verifier Pro is a tool that helps you keep your list clean by checking if the email addresses on it are real and active. Here’s why it’s essential for your business: 1 Reach More Customers: Sending emails to fake or old addresses won’t get you anywhere. Email Verifier Pro helps you avoid this by making sure your emails are going to real people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer.2 Save Money: Sending emails to fake addresses is like throwing money away. With Email Verifier Pro, you can save money by only sending emails to real addresses that are likely to convert into sales.3 Protect Your Reputation: If you send too many emails to fake addresses, it can hurt your reputation as a sender. Email Verifier Pro helps you avoid this by keeping your list clean and only sending emails to real addresses.4 Stay Compliant: Email Verifier Pro helps you stay compliant with email marketing regulations by making sure you’re only sending emails to people who have given you permission to contact them. How Email Verifier Pro Can Help Your Email Marketing? Sending emails to people who aren’t interested can be a waste of time and money. That’s where Email Verifier Pro comes in. It’s like a tool that checks if the email addresses on your list are real and active. Here’s how it can make your email marketing better: 1 Get Your Emails to the Right People: Email Verifier Pro checks if the email addresses on your list are real. This means more of your emails will actually reach people who want to see them.2 Save Money: Sending emails to fake or old addresses is like throwing money away. Email Verifier Pro helps you avoid this by making sure you’re only sending emails to real people who are likely to engage with your content.3 Keep a Good Reputation: If you send too many emails to fake addresses, it can hurt your reputation as a sender. Email Verifier Pro helps you avoid this by keeping your list clean and only sending emails to real addresses.4 Make Your Life Easier: Email Verifier Pro is easy to use and saves you time. You can quickly check your email list and make sure it’s up to date, so you can focus on creating great content for your subscribers. Key Features of Email Verifier Pro Bulk Email Verification: This feature is especially useful if you have a large list of email addresses that you need to check all at once. Instead of verifying each email individually, you can upload your entire list to Email Verifier Pro and let it do the work for you. It quickly scans through the list and flags any addresses that are invalid, risky, or suspicious. Syntax and Format Checking: Email Verifier Pro ensures that email addresses are written correctly according to standard rules. For example, it checks for common mistakes like missing “@” symbols or typos in domain names. By correcting these errors, you can maintain a clean and error-free email list. Domain and MX Record Validation: Verifying domain and MX records helps you confirm that the email addresses you’re sending to actually exist and are set up to receive emails. This step is crucial for avoiding bounce backs and ensuring that your messages reach their intended recipients. Disposable and Role-Based Email Detection: Disposable and role-based email addresses are often used for temporary purposes or specific roles within an organization. While not necessarily harmful, they may indicate lower engagement or higher risk of spam complaints. By identifying and filtering out these addresses, you can focus your efforts on reaching genuine recipients who are more likely to engage with your emails. Integration and Export: Email Verifier Pro offers seamless integration with other tools and platforms you may be using for email marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), or data management. This means you can easily import verified email lists into your preferred systems and export data for further analysis or processing. Frequently Asked Questions about Email Verification and Management   How accurate is Email Verifier Pro? Email Verifier Pro aims for high accuracy by using advanced algorithms and a vast database. However, like all verification tools, it can’t promise 100% accuracy due to occasional server issues and other factors beyond its control.   Can Email Verifier Pro remove spam traps and complainers? Email Verifier Pro can spot certain types of spam traps and complainer emails. But to reduce the chances of encountering these addresses, it’s important to follow good email marketing practices and maintain a positive sender reputation.   How often should I verify my email list? The frequency of verification depends on factors like your list’s size, how often you add new addresses, and your email marketing habits. It’s a good idea to check your list regularly, especially before important campaigns, to ensure it’s accurate and to maintain good delivery

The Best Email Verification Tool-Email Verifier Pro Read More »


In this article, I will take a step-by-step approach to configure our newly installed ubuntu 22.04 OS to set up an environment and install ERPNext version 15. Let’s get to work! Prerequisites The below prerequisites are advised in order to get an optimal functionality of ERPNext on your server. Software Requirements Hardware Requirements Server Settings Update and Upgrade Packages Create a new user – (bench user) In linux, the root user processes escalated privileges to perform any tasks within the system. This is why it is not advisable to use this user on a daily basis. We will create a user that we can use, and this will be the user we will also use as the Frappe Bench User. Ensure you have replaced [frappe-user] with your username. eg. sudo adduser frappe Install Required Packages A software like ERPNext, which is built on Frappe Framework, requires a number of packages in order to run smoothly. These are the packages we will be installing in this step. Install GIT Install Python ERPNext version 15 requires Python version 3.10+. This is what we will install in this step. Install Python Virtual Environment A virtual environment helps in managing the dependencies for one software at one place, without having to interfere with other sections in the computer or server in which the software is running. Install Software Properties Common Software Properties Common will help in repository management Install MariaDB ERPNext is built to naively run on MariaDB. The team is working to have the same working on PostgreSQL, but this is not ready yet. Install Redis Server Install other packages ERPNext functionality also relies on other packages we will install in this step. These will load fonts, PDFs, and other resources to our instance. Configure MYSQL Server Setup the server When you run this command, the server will show the following prompts. Please follow the steps as shown below to complete the setup correctly. Edit MYSQL default config file Add the following block of code exactly as is: Restart the MYSQL Server Instal CURL, Node, NPM and Yarn Install CURL Install Node Install NPM Install Yarn Initialize Frappe Bench Switch directories into the Frappe Bench directory Change user directory permissions This will give the bench user execution permission to the home directory Create a New Site A site is a requirement in ERPNext, Frappe and all the other apps we will be needing to install. We will create the site in this step. Install ERPNext and other Apps Download all the apps we want to install The first app we will download is the payments app. This app is required when setting up ERPNext. Next, we will download ERPNext app Download any other app you may be interested in in a similar manner. For instance, if you need the Human Resource app to be installed, use the following command. Install all the apps on our site Install all the other apps you downloaded in the same way. For example, if you downloaded the human resource app, use the below command to install it. We have successfully setup ERPNext version 15 on ubuntu 22.04. You can start the server by running the below command: If you didn’t have any other ERPNext instance running on the same server, ERPNext will get started on port 8000. If you visit [YOUR SERVER IP:8000], you should be able to see ERPNext version 15 running. Please note that instances which are running on develop mode, like the one we just setup, will not get started when you restart your server. You will need to run the bench start command every time the server restarts. In the below steps, we will learn how to deploy the production mode. Setting ERPNext for Production Enable Scheduler Disable maintenance mode Setup production config Setup NGINX to apply the changes Restart Supervisor and Launch Production Mode If you are prompted to save the new/existing config file, respond with a Y. When this completes doing the settings, your instance is now on production mode and can be accessed using your IP, without needing to use the port. This also will mean that your instance will start automatically even in the event you restart the server. All the best! 🙂


“Maximizing Your Online Impact: A Comprehensive SEO Guide”

Welcome, digital explorers! Ever wondered how some websites magically appear at the top of your search results? That’s not magic; it’s SEO – your website’s secret weapon for standing out in the bustling online world . Imagine your website as a friendly shop waiting to welcome visitors. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like putting up bright signs and helpful maps so that people can easily find your shop. It’s like telling search engines, “Hey, my website has exactly what these people are looking for In this blog, we’ll be your guides in the world of SEO. We’ll explain everything in simple terms, from the ABCs to the secret tricks. By the end, you’ll know how to make your website shine online, drawing in visitors like bees to honey. What Exactly is SEO? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the art and science of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone searches for a topic, product, or service online, search engines like Google analyze various factors to deliver the most relevant and useful results. SEO involves optimizing your website’s content, structure, and performance to align with these factors, making it more likely to appear in search results.The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. When people search for specific topics, products, or information online, search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo use complex algorithms to determine which websites to show in the search results. SEO helps websites align with these algorithms, making them more likely to appear in relevant search queries. The Core Components of SEO 1. Keyword Research: Keyword research is like being a detective in the online world. It’s the process of finding out what words and phrases people commonly type into search engines when they’re looking for something. These words and phrases are your “keywords.”Keyword research helps you understand your audience better. It tells you what they’re interested in and what they’re looking for. By using the right keywords, you can attract more visitors to your website who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. It’s like speaking the same language as your customers, making it easier for them to find you in the vast online world. There are several keyword research tools available that can help to discover relevant keywords for your website or content. Here are some popular ones: Google’s own tool, part of Google Ads, allows you to find keywords related to your business or industry. It provides data on search volume and helps you choose competitive bids and budgets. Semrush is a powerful SEO tool that provides keyword research along with competitive analysis. It not only helps you find keywords but also shows you what your competitors are ranking for. Ahrefs offers in-depth keyword research and analysis. It provides data on keyword difficulty, search volume, and even click-through rates, helping you identify the most valuable keywords for your content. Moz’s Keyword Explorer helps you discover keywords and analyze their difficulty and potential. It provides helpful metrics like organic click-through rates and priority scores. Ubersuggest is a free tool that provides keyword suggestions and shows you the difficulty level, search volume, and cost per click for each keyword. It’s user-friendly and great for beginners. This unique tool generates keyword ideas in the form of questions that people might ask in search engines. It’s excellent for understanding user intent and creating content that directly addresses their queries. KeywordTool.io generates keyword ideas from Google’s autocomplete feature. It’s a great tool for finding long-tail keywords, which are specific and often less competitive than broader terms. SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool provides extensive keyword suggestions along with metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC. It also helps you group keywords for more efficient analysis. 2. On-Page Optimization: Optimize individual pages on your website. This includes writing compelling meta titles and descriptions, using appropriate header tags, and incorporating target keywords naturally into your content. High-quality, relevant content is key. On-Page Optimization is like the makeover your website needs to impress both visitors and search engines. It involves tweaking various elements directly on your web pages to make them more appealing, relevant, and easy to understand for both users and search engines. Here’s what it involves: Think of title tags as the book titles for your web pages. They appear in search results and browser tabs. Creating unique and descriptive titles that include relevant keywords can significantly improve click-through rates. Meta descriptions are like the summaries on the back cover of a book. They provide a brief overview of what the page is about. Craft engaging meta descriptions that entice users to click on your link in the search results. Headings are like chapter titles in a book. They break down your content into sections, making it easier for visitors to scan and understand your page’s structure. Proper use of heading tags also helps search engines comprehend your content. Clear and concise URLs are essential. They should reflect the content of the page. A clean URL helps both users and search engines understand what a page is about. Link relevant pages within your website (internal links) and link to credible external sources (external links) where necessary. Internal links help users navigate your site, while external links demonstrate your content’s credibility.Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. Search engines view backlinks as a vote of confidence, boosting your site’s credibility. Focus on natural link-building strategies and avoid spammy practices. 3 Off- Page SEO Off-Page SEO refers to the activities conducted outside of your website to improve its visibility and credibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Unlike On-Page SEO, which focuses on optimizing your website’s content and structure, Off-Page SEO is about building your website’s authority, trustworthiness, and relevance in the eyes of search engines. Here are some key aspects of Off-Page SEO Building high-quality backlinks from other websites is a fundamental aspect of Off-Page SEO. Search engines view these links as votes of confidence,

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Which Is Better for Your Business, Mailchimp or Email Octopus?缩略图

Which Is Better for Your Business, Mailchimp or Email Octopus?

“Embarking on a journey into the dynamic realm of digital marketing? Welcome aboard! In today’s interconnected world, where the success of any business hinges on its online presence, email marketing tools have become the cornerstone of effective communication and customer engagement. In this blog series, we dive deep into two leading titans of the email marketing arena: Mailchimp and Email Octopus. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of these platforms, exploring their features, benefits, and unique offerings. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer seeking advanced automation or a small business owner looking for budget-friendly solutions, this series will guide you through the labyrinth of Mailchimp’s sophistication and Email Octopus’s simplicity. Buckle up, fellow marketers, as we embark on a voyage to discover the perfect email marketing solution tailored just for you!” Quick Overview……….. Mailchimp and Email Octopus stand as powerful marketing tools, each with its unique strengths. Mailchimp, a trailblazer in email marketing, offers a user-friendly interface, automation features, and in-depth analytics, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes. Its drag-and-drop editor simplifies campaign creation, ensuring visually appealing emails. On the other hand, Email Octopus distinguishes itself with its affordability and scalability. Targeting small to medium-sized businesses, it delivers high-quality service without breaking the bank. Its simplicity and integration capabilities empower users to seamlessly connect with various platforms. Email Octopus thrives in delivering straightforward, efficient email campaigns that get the job done effectively. Whether you opt for the established Mailchimp or the budget-friendly Email Octopus, both platforms are indispensable assets for modern businesses, helping them foster customer engagement, drive conversions, and establish a strong online presence. Features and AI tools Comparison of Mailchimp vs. Email octopus Mailchimp and Email Octopus are popular email marketing tools, but they have differences in features and AI tools. Mailchimp offers advanced automation, making it easy to create complex email campaigns based on customer behavior. Its user-friendly interface and detailed analytics help businesses track the performance of their emails effectively. Mailchimp also uses AI to give valuable insights, enabling users to make smarter decisions for their campaigns. It provides a wide range of integrations and A/B testing, ensuring personalized and optimized marketing efforts. Email Octopus, on the other hand, is known for its affordability and simplicity. It might not have Mailchimp’s advanced features, but it provides essential automation, ensuring basic tasks are automated efficiently. It focuses on good email deliverability, making sure that emails reach the recipients’ inboxes. While it may not offer as many integrations, it still connects with popular platforms, allowing users to coordinate their email marketing with other tools they use. In summary, if you need advanced features, detailed analytics, and sophisticated automation, Mailchimp is a great choice. However, if you’re a small business looking for a budget-friendly option with straightforward features and decent automation, Email Octopus is a suitable alternative. Consider your specific needs and budget to make the right choice for your email marketing strategy. Comparison of the Pricing Plans for Mailchimp and Email Octopus: Mailchimp: Mailchimp offers a versatile range of pricing options. Its free plan allows businesses to send basic email campaigns to a limited number of subscribers, making it ideal for startups. As your business grows, Mailchimp’s paid plans become relevant. These plans are tiered based on the number of subscribers and the features needed. They include advanced automation, A/B testing, and detailed analytics, providing businesses with comprehensive tools for effective email marketing. Additionally, Mailchimp offers a Pay-As-You-Go model, where users can purchase email credits as needed, catering to fluctuating email marketing demands. Email Octopus: Email Octopus primarily operates on a Pay-As-You-Go model, allowing users to buy email credits and pay per email sent. This flexible approach is excellent for businesses with varying email volumes, offering cost efficiency for specific campaigns. Additionally, Email Octopus provides monthly subscription plans, catering to businesses with consistent email marketing needs. These plans offer a fixed number of emails per month for a set price, providing predictability for businesses with stable email outreach requirements. In summary, while Mailchimp’s diverse plans cater to businesses of all sizes, Email Octopus stands out for its flexible Pay-As-You-Go model and predictable monthly subscriptions, ensuring that businesses can choose a pricing structure that aligns with their specific budget and email marketing demands. It’s crucial for businesses to evaluate their requirements carefully and select the plan that best fits their needs. Integration Comparison of Mailchimp vs. Email octopus Both Mailchimp and Email Octopus offer integration capabilities, allowing businesses to connect their email marketing efforts with various platforms and tools. Here’s a comparison of their integration features: Mailchimp: Mailchimp boasts an extensive array of integrations with third-party apps and services. It seamlessly connects with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, customer relationship management (CRM) software such as Salesforce and HubSpot, and content management systems like WordPress. Mailchimp also integrates with social media platforms, allowing businesses to sync their email marketing with their social media campaigns. Additionally, it offers integrations with analytics tools, enabling users to gather comprehensive data insights for their marketing efforts. Email Octopus: While Email Octopus may not offer as many integrations as Mailchimp, it still provides essential connections to key platforms. It integrates with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce, allowing businesses to synchronize their email marketing with their online stores. Additionally, Email Octopus connects with Zapier, which acts as a bridge to link it with hundreds of other applications. This indirect integration expands Email Octopus’ functionality, enabling users to automate workflows and connect with a broader range of services. In summary, Mailchimp leads in integration options, offering a comprehensive selection of direct connections to various platforms. Email Octopus, while offering fewer direct integrations, compensates through its compatibility with Zapier, ensuring businesses can still extend its functionality and connect with numerous other applications indirectly. When choosing between the two, businesses should consider their existing tech stack and integration requirements to ensure a seamless workflow. Advanced Automation and Workflow Capabilities Comparison Mailchimp vs. Email octopus. Mailchimp Mailchimp shines with its advanced automation features. It

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“The Rise of Social Commerce: How Digital Marketing is Shaping E-Commerce Trends”缩略图

“The Rise of Social Commerce: How Digital Marketing is Shaping E-Commerce Trends”

Understanding Social Commerce: Enhancing the Shopping Experience In the fast-paced digital landscape, understanding social commerce has become indispensable for businesses aiming to thrive online. Social commerce represents the fusion of e-commerce and social media platforms, creating a seamless shopping experience for consumers. By leveraging social media networks, businesses can directly sell products or services to customers within their preferred social platforms. This innovative approach not only simplifies the buying process but also enhances customer engagement. Shoppers can now discover, evaluate, and purchase products without leaving their favorite social apps, making the entire experience more interactive and convenient. Effective Strategies for Social Selling: Building Trust and Loyalty To excel in social commerce, adopting effective social selling strategies is paramount. Building trust and loyalty are at the core of these strategies. One approach involves creating compelling and authentic content that resonates with the target audience. By showcasing the value and uniqueness of products or services through engaging visuals and persuasive storytelling, businesses can capture the attention of potential buyers. Additionally, active engagement with customers by promptly responding to queries, comments, and reviews fosters a sense of trust. Social listening tools can be employed to understand customer sentiments and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings accordingly. By being transparent, responsive, and customer-centric, businesses can establish a strong rapport with their audience, leading to increased sales and brand advocacy. Case Studies: Successful Social Commerce Campaigns: Learning from Industry Leaders Examining successful social commerce campaigns provides valuable insights into effective implementation strategies. One notable case study is the collaboration between a renowned fashion brand and a popular social media platform. By leveraging the platform’s native shopping features, the brand curated visually appealing collections, accompanied by engaging descriptions and limited-time offers. Through strategic influencer partnerships and user-generated content campaigns, they amplified their reach and encouraged user participation. The result was a surge in sales and heightened brand visibility. Another inspiring example is a small artisanal business that utilized social commerce to showcase their handmade crafts. By harnessing the power of social media advertising and targeted audience segmentation, they reached a niche market interested in unique, handcrafted products. The business not only experienced substantial sales growth but also gained a loyal customer base appreciative of their craftsmanship and personalized service. Predicting Future Trends: Navigating the Evolving Social Commerce Landscape As social commerce continues to evolve, several trends are poised to shape its future. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are anticipated to revolutionize the online shopping experience. Imagine being able to virtually try on clothing or visualize furniture in your living room before making a purchase decision. Additionally, the integration of social commerce with live streaming platforms is on the rise. Live shopping events, where hosts showcase products in real-time, interact with viewers, and offer exclusive deals, are gaining immense popularity. This interactive and immersive approach enhances customer engagement and provides a sense of urgency, driving sales. Furthermore, sustainability and ethical practices are becoming pivotal in purchasing decisions. Socially conscious consumers are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility and social impact. Businesses that embrace eco-friendly practices and transparent supply chains are expected to gain a competitive edge in the social commerce landscape. Conclusion understanding social commerce, implementing effective strategies, learning from successful case studies, and staying abreast of future trends are crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in the dynamic world of online retail. By embracing these concepts and adapting to the evolving social commerce landscape, businesses can create meaningful connections with customers, drive sales, and establish a sustainable online presence.

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