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Author name: Aayat Ahyan



What is SMS? SMS is a short form as Short Message Service, as its name suggests, it’s comprised of a communication between mobile devices with as little as 160 characters plain text message that is based on protocols that are shared between the various platforms. It is often referred to as texting. It is a method of sending messages that are only text. It is among the oldest technologies for texting and is the most widely employed. The greatest benefit of using this app is that, unlike other applications, it doesn’t require download or even upgraded. It’s accessible to anyone with the right knowledge to utilize it. The first SMS was sent to Europe on the 3 4 December 1992. Neil Papworth a test engineer for the Sema group. He utilized a computer in order to text “Merry Christmas” to the phone number of his colleague Richard Jarvis.Then it was integrated into the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) standards. However, after a while it was transferred to wireless technologies such as CDMA as well as TDMA. 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) was the one responsible for maintaining both GSM as well as SMS It is now ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute). Advantages of SMS The volume of SMS texts that are exchanged daily is massive, the main reason that has led to the popularity of SMS is: Let’s look at some instances of SMS applications to provide you with some insight into the possibilities by SMS messaging. How does SMS work? It begins when you press “send” on your SMS Your message is then converted into data, and then sent to an extensive network of interconnected carriers that is SMSC. Your message will look for the fastest route to the intended recipient. Once it has been found, the message is transformed to a message, and then transmitted to the device using SMSC. If you and the recipient use the mobile service from the same wireless operator The transmission of SMS messages involves the transmission of only one SMSC. The SMS message is referred to as an intra-operator SMS. If you and the recipient use an mobile telephone service provided by the wireless operator of and wireless operator of B, respectively The transmission of SMS message requires two SMSC. This SMS message is known as an inter-operator SMS. What is SMSC? The SMSC integrates with other elements of the mobile network to determine whether the person is online. The Home Location Register (HLR) as well as the register for visitor locations (VLR) and the center for mobile switchers (MSC). How does those component work with SMSC? To determine where a terminal is located at any given moment it is necessary for the network to be able to locate the device as it moves. To accomplish this it is necessary for signaling messages to be sent frequently to update the network’s data about the user’s position. Particularly the system, it is divided into zones of location and each time a user moves within one of them an update to the location is issued. Let’s take them in one at a time. Home place Register (HLR):The Home Location Register (HLR) is the principal database on the wireless network. It contains customer information, including call routing information and service entitlements of permanent subscriber details in a mobile network. Visitor location register (VLR):VLR provides information about subscribers who have been registered as subscribers elsewhere but may be roaming around the area. The Mobile Switching Center (MSC):The network is split into areas of service, each made up of multiple cells controlled by a central unit the central unit being Mobile Switching Center. It is an agent for routing messages for SMS conference calls, faxes and service bill in addition to communicating with other networks. Each time a user is registered as a roamer within an area that is new, signaling occurs among the MSCs involved and the databases are properly updated. The information stored in these registers allow the network to find an individual user i.e. the network can determine the cell that the user could be identified at any given moment. Wrapping Up In the end, SMS can be an incredible tool that can be used for numerous reasons, whether it’s messaging your friend, receiving notifications about the bank’s statements or even marketing it all is possible… And knowing the information about the way it works will allow us to utilize it more extensively and more efficiently.


What exactly is an IP warm-up and why is it necessary?缩略图

What exactly is an IP warm-up and why is it necessary?

Deliverability of emails can be affected by a variety of factors, including the reputation of your domain, the content of your email and even the kind of email you send. A IP address can be just one of these factors. If you’re using a brand new IP is a negative factor that can affect the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. The Solution? A process known as IP warmup. The article below will assist be aware of what is an IP warming up is, and the reason you should use it. It will also show you the most effective IP warmup methods that you must be aware of while getting your IPs warmed up. What is IP warm up? IP warming (or IP warming) is an email sending process that is carried out using a brand new (or cold) IP address and gradually increasing the number of emails sent per an established schedule to build a good reputation for the IP address. The IP address refers to a distinct number that can be used to identify you as an email user. The ISPs (Internet Service Providers) make use of the IP address of your computer to monitor and assess your email activity and, ultimately they determine the reputation of your IP. If the IP address you are using is brand new, it is necessary to get it warm in order to ensure an excellent email delivery rate for your email marketing campaigns. Why is IP warm up important? The aim to IP warming is to boost your IP credibility and increase ISPs confidenceso all emails you send can be delivered straight to the inboxes of recipients (and not restricted by filtering for spam). If you begin sending emails using a new IP address, with no reputation ISPs and even the ESPs (Email Service Providers) are likely to be suspicious of it and block your IP from sending an increased number of emails at the same time till they “prove” that you are a trustworthy sender. Once ISPs have historical information regarding your IP address as well as your email activities, they will allow you to send emails to a greater number of individuals and vice versa and reduce your email volume in the event that you develop an unpopular IP profile. IP warming helps in establishing an image of trust for your brand-new IP by gradually sending greater and greater amount of emails over a time of several weeks , until it’s prepared and “warmed up” for real email marketing campaigns. NOTE: It is important to know that the IP reputation isn’t the only thing that could affect your email delivery. ISPs also consider factors like the popularity of the email domain or subdomains or even a particular email address in determining whether or how many messages need to be sent to your subscribers. What impacts IP reputation? It’s crucial, however to recognize that none of these components have the same weight. For instance, the IP image won’t get significantly affected by people who unsubscribe to your email list. However, however having a lot of spam complaints can seriously harm credibility of the IP. IP warm up schedule The process of warming up the IP address is a continuous procedure that requires set schedules – beginning with a handful of emails each day and gradually increasing the volume over the course which is of thirty (or or) days. For instance, if you plan to send 1,000,000 emails each month to support your email marketing campaigns It is recommended to start with a couple of dozen of warm-up emails every day. Then, gradually increase the number emails you send until you reach the desired number of emails: Alongside your initial IP warmup You must also keep sending out this massive amount of emails each month as your reputation may change frequently. IP warming best practices Warming up your IP is a series of different activities that slow (but definitely) increase your reputation for your IP as time passes. Here are some tips to be aware of while getting your IPs warm

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10 Best Email Warm-Up Tools in 2023缩略图

10 Best Email Warm-Up Tools in 2023

When you begin to explore the subject of email marketing, you are aware of the importance the ability to deliver your emails. The time and effort spent on a campaign , only to have your email show in the recipients’ spam folder isn’t a good idea for any person. In your search for the most effective cold emailing methods, you’ve likely encountered the idea of an ‘inbox warm-up’, or email warm-up as they refer to it. This idea is becoming more popular in the world of email because cold email service providers come up with methods to get past the spam filter. Around 85% of emails received are considered to be spam. Email Service Providers (ESPs) are aware of this and have taken steps to guard users against such incidents by implementing a filter. Spam filters are a system that is set up to block unwelcome, virus-infected, or unwelcome emails that are not able to reach an individual’s primary inbox. The system automatically detects these emails based on a variety of factors including spam-triggering words, excessive images, the number of emails, sender reputation, and so on. What is an email warming-up? Email warming up is the process of establishing and building credibility of Email Service Providers (ESPs) in the course of time. A majority ESPs have put in place effective spam-detecting systems to ensure that users receive the most pleasant experience. Also known as spam filtering’. They scan for unusual contents in your email. They remove any suspicious content and instantly label it as spam. If a domain is new and starts sending large volumes of emails, all the emails sent by them will end into the mailer’s spam box. Your domain is warmed-up through it sending automated emails (or manually generated emails) and then responded to (again via this system) to show that you are engaged. This helps warm-up your domain. It is also completely automated. All emails appear to be legitimate enough to earn credibility with ESPs. The majority of email tools today employ AI machine learning that is backed by a vast network of business contacts to fool ESPs to believe that legitimate emails are being sent. A good email warm-up is gradual increase in the number of emails sent, and high rates of engagement to prove to ESPs that you are a genuine and intriguing sender who deserves to be placed in the main inbox of the recipient. The process of warming up emails generally lasts between 3 and four weeks. It’s not advised to send out mass emails immediately, since you risk losing your account completely. Pro Tips: To maximize delivery of emails keep warming your domain during emails also; this will have a positive impact on your overall campaign’s performance. What is the reason email warming up so important to your website? The principal reason for warming the inbox of your clients is to increase the effects of your cold email marketing campaigns, with enhanced delivery. A warm mailbox results in greater open, reply as well as click rate. If your domain is re-opened it improves your sender’s credibility, which makes the process easier for messages to be delivered to the main inbox of your recipient. These are some of the benefits of warming up your inbox:  10 Best Email Warm-Up Tools  Manually warming up your email can take a significant amount of time and energy. It is better to purchase an email warming tool that can automate the whole process. Additionally, using these tools, you don’t have to deal with the technical aspect of warming up your email inbox (which can be a bit complicated).    There’s a myriad of email warm-up programs that are on the market. What tool is most compatible with your company’s requirements and falls in your budget?    Based on your needs and spending capacity Our team of experts have created this list of the 10 email warm-up apps to help you stay clear of the spam folder for good! for any queries please contact us : www.queueindex.com

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How To Choose The Right SMTP Provider For Your Business Needs缩略图

How To Choose The Right SMTP Provider For Your Business Needs

SMTP is the most beneficial thing that could happen to every business. The SMTP server is the top choice for email marketing tools that are suited to your needs. It doesn’t matter if it’s a service product or one that is based on a product and email marketing is the way to go, it’s SMTP server has your back. But, you need to know which kind of SMTP server will be best for you and how to implement that.Before you do that, be aware of the kinds of SMTP servers are available as well as their capabilities. In this article, you’ll learn about the most effective SMTP servers that you could make use of for your business The Features Of The Best SMTP Provider FSMTP can come in a variety of varieties. However, what makes this server distinct is the speed at which it delivers your messages and emails. This is why companies should make use of a professional outgoing server with a higher delivery rate. But, a good SMTP server should have Flexible Plans The requirement to send emails differs according to the business. For somebusinesses, the need for email is more extensive than the norm. Others may be content with periodic emails. Also allow your service provider for SMTP provide you with the various plans before you pick the most suitable one. Constant Relationship With Top ISPs Establishing a strong relationship with the most reputable ISPs is essential to ensure the highest speed of delivery for the newsletter for the business. Compatibility With Email Clients And Software The configuration should be in sync with email clients as well as the software. 24X7 Hours Support The server SMTP must be accessible all day long to assist you with any problems encountered by the user. Accurate Statistics The SMTP server is required to provide precise statistics, which give the client total control over their mailings. It can assist companies that are clients in enhancing their campaigns’ effectiveness. Now that you are aware of the benefits of the most reliable SMTP supplier, you must determine which one is best suited to your company’s needs. What Is The Best: Simple SMTP Or Professional SMTP Have you ever thought about which one would be the best choice for your business – simple SMTP or a professional one? You must be aware of the fundamental features and distinctions between the two. Normal SMTP The standard or end-to-end SMTP method is used to establish connections between two companies in which your SMTP begins the communications and the server on the other hand is waiting for the request be acknowledged. It is among the most basic types that uses SMTP for sending emails. Professional SMTP As opposed to regular SMTP, professional SMTP is more complicated. The communication here is not limited to two organizations, but also many more. It is helpful to send emails between companies. The client SMTP transmits emails to the server that received it. The recipient server then receives the mail , and the sender SMTP keeps a copy of the email. Thus, SMTP works well checking the security of the company’s email server. So, now that know the ins and outs of kinds and how SMTP servers function to your satisfaction, you are able to select the one that is best suited to your requirements.

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The Complete Guide- Email Migration缩略图

The Complete Guide- Email Migration

The move to a new email program can address numerous issues for your company including upgrading security and consolidating tools from your technology stack. But the bigger and more complicated your business is, the more elements to take into consideration when making the switch. With the possibility of a migration to email being discussed There are many questions for leaders regarding whether their information will be safe and how long it will take, and whether they’ll need to take their emails offline. To reduce the risk the risks, proper preparation is essential. We’ll go over the importance of email migration and the reasons why it’s important. We’ll then walk you through how to prepare planning and executing the next mail migration in a successful manner. What is Email migration ? And what is its significance ? Migration of email is the process of moving from one email service to another, for example, moving from Gmail or Gmail to Office 365. When you switch providers, your emails as well as contacts, among other information transfer between email providers. If you have just only a handful of accounts in your company, it’s fairly easy for emails and data to be transferred. If you’re dealing with many or thousands of accounts connected software and terabytes worth of data, things get more complex. However, despite the issues however, there are a variety of good reasons for businesses to choose to change email providers, for example: More speed and effectiveness Older email systems are notably slow when compared to modern web-based applications. They can become “clogged” with data, hindering business processes. In addition, some services are targeted at individuals or small-scale businesses. As your business expands it is possible to upgrade to an enterprise email client might be necessary. Better suited to the needs of the business. Making the switch to a user-friendly, integrated system can offer a more pleasant experience for employees. Many email platforms have integrated with a variety of applications and other tools simplifying your system. A rise in affordability. There are many ways for companies to reduce costs through email migrations. They can change to a less expensive service, or opt for a service with other tools, like Google Workspace’s document and spreadsheets. Additionally the process of moving your email is often the ideal opportunity to tidy up your information and reduce on accounts that are not used. Security is heightened. The increasing danger of scams and malware ensures that having the best security is essential for any company. The older systems for email are susceptible to security threats and increase overall business risk. A majority of major email providers today offer multiple layers of security. Important questions to ask prior to moving your email The process of planning and carrying out an email migration may seem like a daunting undertaking particularly if you have lots of data that needs to be moved. There are a few considerations to take into consideration that can assist you in planning an easy transition and make the process much more manageable. Does your current service provider tell you the steps to take? Find out whether your email provider already has a process for transferring that you can follow. If it does, it can aid in planning your move more simple. Does your new service manage the migration process? The new email client you’ve chosen could manage the process of migration for you. This is something you should look into if you’re planning to switch to a premium-tier plan with a new provider. Which plan would you prefer? As a matter of fact providers usually offer various plans with various options. Some offer unlimited storage while others offer customized onboarding for your entire company. It’s worthwhile to weigh the pros and cons of the various options for email clients to determine which one meets your needs (and the budget) the most. What amount of data do you have to transfer? Before you move the entire system to a new software look into the possibility of archiving certain portions of the data elsewhere. For instance, if you don’t require emails that are older than five years, you might consider transferring them to a backup archive drive. So, it won’t take up a lot of space within the new system. How long will you require to complete the migration of your email? Migrations to email will require some time to plan however, they should be swift once you’re ready to perform the move (though it will be contingent on the scale of the migration). What happens to email messages that are sent during the transition? All emails sent during the transition period will be available for later reading. Make sure to check with your current and new provider about issues such as Out of Office messages. For instance, if you have employees who are away during the time of the migration They may need to set their message back to using the brand new service. If you have all the information tucked away, you are able to prepare for and successfully complete an email migration. If you’re dealing with a complicated email system, you should looking into hiring an email transfer service to help you navigate the process of migration. Their experience and knowledge could help you through the actual process of transition. How to migrate to Office 365 or Gmail Let’s examine the key elements of an email migration to demonstrate what must occur. Many people choose to migrate from old or on-premises devices towards Office 365 or Gmail, therefore we’ll take these clients to illustrate. There are three primary actions to a successful email migration: 1.Making preparations for the move 2.Making a user map and a plan 3.Invoking the migration Preparing for the migration A lot of planning needs for an effective email migration. If you don’t, errors will likely occur and cause delays at best and data loss at the worst. Create a plan for migration to make sure everything goes smoothly. Take into consideration the following: Create a user map and plan Once you’ve gathered all the data you require to start now is the time to design a map of user licenses and develop

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Network Troubleshooting缩略图

Network Troubleshooting

In the process of resolving network issues It is essential to be aware of the OSI models in mind. You must begin by working your way to the layer of physical up to the layer of application. This approach from the bottom helps solve network issues successfully because each layer depends on the previous layer for proper operation. This article will present an overview of how to troubleshoot problems in the three initial levels in OSI. OSI model. Troubleshooting the Physical Layer (Layer 1) The physical layer comprises everything that produces and moves bits from point A to B. This is known as the network interface layer that includes Ethernet as well as WiFi cards as well as fiber cables and air that allows computer hosts and hosts to connect with other hosts and with the outside world at large. To resolve issues with this layer, a network engineer should utilize the diagnostic tools the manufacturers include on their devices. For Ethernet cards, the basic diagnostic commands provide information about the duplex and speed of link that the card has established on the other end of the connection. For the case of a WiFi adapter program will be able to report the strength of the signal and connectivity quality that was established by the station that is in use. This information is essential in determining how reliable the Layer 1 connection established. To resolve issues using fiber or copper cables you can make use of an optical reflective time-domain device (TDR) and optical time-domain reflectometer in case of fiber links. Certain networking companies also have a the basic TDR function in their equipment. For Wi-Fi networks spectrum analyzers can be helpful to give information about “the air” and detect any possible interferences from the environment like microwave ovens. It is possible to contact suppliers like MetaGeek and Ekahau in search of these solutions. Troubleshooting the Data-Link Layer (Layer 2) To identify the data-link-layer issues Network engineers can use an switches command line and examine the MAC address table. This gives information on the MAC addresses discovered on switched ports. To investigate issues with Layer 2 communications between hosts engineers from network can utilize methods of analysis that are passive, like wireshark that is GUI and based on tcpdump that is a command line-based. The tools allow for the recording of frames that flow across networks, switches or host. One of the most important things to remember when tackling issues with layer 2 is the spanning tree. Spanning tree is an Layer 2 technology that allows switched networks to create an unloop-free topology. This occurs when redundancy is introduced in a network’s design. If a topology of a network has loops, the frames move throughout the network without ever reaching their host of destination or being discarded creating broadcast storms. Broadcast storms can saturate links and can cause unstable CAT (Content addressable table) of switch. Spawning tree prevents this situation by removing switches that create loops. For spanning tree to work properly for optimal performance, all switches on the network should be correctly set up. Being familiar with the spanning tree and diagnostic commands for switches is an essential understanding for troubleshooting network issues. Troubleshooting the Network Layer (Layer 3) The most frequently used commands used to resolve layer 3 issues are the ping or traceroute. With ping , you can check the possibility of a host connecting to the network that is its destination or. Traceroute allows you to discover the hops that can be used to route to a host that is destined for destination. If you are trying to solve problems with layer 3 is important to determine whether the host that you want to connect to is within your company or not. If it is, the problem-solving efforts are aimed at finding out if an issue with the configuration of your network or something else causes problems with connectivity or performance. If at the opposite end the network path that leads to the destination host is traversed by an outside party, it’s crucial to supply sufficient details and demonstrate that it’s not the fault of someone else. In one way or another both traceroute and ping are two useful commands that provide insight into the reachability and performance issues that exist in between IP hosts. Closing remarks If you are trying to resolve issues with performance of your network it is essential to remember that you are working with the OSI models and the layers. Beginning with the lowest layers and then moving up will ensure you are using the right troubleshooting techniques will yield faster resolution.

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