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SiteSpy – The Most Complete Visitor Analytics & SEO Tools

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $9.99.

Sitespy – The Most Complete Visitor Analytics

Are you looking for a powerful tool to analyze your website’s traffic and gain valuable insights? Look no further than Sitespy – the most complete visitor analytics solution.

With Sitespy, you can track and analyze every aspect of your website’s performance. From visitor demographics to page views, bounce rates to conversion rates, Sitespy provides you with comprehensive data to make informed decisions and optimize your online presence.

Key Features

Sitespy offers a wide range of features to give you a holistic view of your website’s performance:

  • Visitor Tracking: Sitespy tracks every visitor to your website, providing you with detailed information on their location, device, browser, and more.
  • Behavior Analytics: Understand how visitors interact with your website through heatmaps, session recordings, and click analytics.
  • Conversion Tracking: Track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and identify which channels are driving the most conversions.
  • Real-time Reporting: Get instant access to real-time data and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to monitor the metrics that matter most to your business.

Why Choose Sitespy?

Sitespy stands out from other visitor analytics tools for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive Data: Sitespy provides you with a wealth of data to help you understand your audience and optimize your website.
  • User-friendly Interface: The intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to navigate and utilize the tool.
  • Flexible Pricing: Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Sitespy offers flexible pricing plans to suit your needs and budget.
  • Excellent Support: Our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

Don’t settle for incomplete analytics. Choose Sitespy and unlock the full potential of your website’s performance data.

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Experience the most comprehensive Visitor Analytics & SEO package, encompassing detailed visitor insights (unique visitors, page views, bounce rate, average stay time, average visit, traffic analysis, top referrer, new & returning visitors, content overview, country & browser reports, OS & device reports, etc.), robust web analytics (whois data, social media data, MOZ check, search engine index, Google PageRank, IP analysis, malware check), and powerful SEO tools (link analysis, keyword position analysis, auto keyword suggestion, page status check, etc.).

As a valuable addition, enjoy bonus utility tools such as an email encoder/decoder, meta-tag generator, ogtag generator, plagiarism check, valid email check, duplicate email filter, URL encode/decode, robot code generator, and more.

This versatile SaaS application supports multiple users, allowing you to resell it as a Software as a Service. Integrated with payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Instamojo, Mercadopago, Mollie, Myfatoorah, Paymaya, Paystack, Razorpay, SSLCOMMERZS, SenangPay, Toyyibpay, and Xendit, you can effortlessly receive payments from your end users. For those interested in utilizing the SaaS features and charging end users, an extended license is available.

With its native API, developers can seamlessly integrate the application’s features with other apps. Plus, enjoy the convenience of colorful widgets that can be easily embedded on any page by copying and pasting a few lines of code to display site information.


Installation: (one click easy installation)

Server Requirements & Installation

  • PHP >= v8.1 & MySQL >= v5.7.8
  • Make sure curl is enabled , fileinfo is enabled , mbstring, is enabled, ZipArchive, is enabled, set_time_out is enabled , symlink is enabled , safe_mode is off, open_base_dir has no value, multibyte string PHP extension enabled, allow_url_fopen=1 and mysqli support is on.
  • Make sure Apache server’s mod rewrite is enabled.

Your domain must have https to use SiteSpy features.

[Note: If you get `404 page not found or 500 internal error` or other server error then make sure AllowOverride is enabled in your virtual host and check if .htaccess file is uploaded successfully in root or not]

We have auto update feature that have ability to update files from our cloud storage. Its recommended to make all the files and folders are writable(755 permission recommended) to avoid any future issue while updating.

For better performance set php max_execution_time, mysql connect_timeout, mysql wait_timeout , max_allowed_packet , max_connections to long limit possible, so that your server can process script for long time if needed.

For fast loading, we recommend to enable GZIP Compression on your server (Most server enable it by default)

Quick Installation Guide : Installation Video Manual

You will need to create API for your admin account & each users will need to create their own API. As system use all Free API version, so due to restriction in number of call, each user needs to create their own API to system work correctly for large amount of users. Needed API are listed bellow

1. Google API
2. Moz API [Creating account may need credit card information, but no cost]
3. Virustotal API
4. Bitly API
5. Rebrandly

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