Fully optimized for Gutenberg, adhering to GDPR policies, supporting self-hosted Google fonts, and seamlessly integrating Adobe Fonts (Typekit). This versatile theme boasts 2000+ homepage variations, providing limitless style options. Take advantage of the header styler, choose from 9 pre-designed header layouts, and explore 40 unique post and page layouts.
Discover a built-in categorized image gallery with customizable column options (2, 3, 4 columns) and an integrated lightbox for a seamless viewing experience. With 18 custom widgets at your disposal, this theme offers exceptional flexibility.
Engage your audience with 8 post formats, including Standard, Gallery Slideshow, Gallery Grid, Link, Image, Quote, Audio, and Video. The theme’s powerful options panel enables effortless customization. Additionally, find a built-in SUBSCRIBE page and LOGIN page, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
Experience full-width INSTAGRAM integration, an impressive Mega Menu, and a custom Cookie banner for enhanced functionality. Seamlessly integrated with the Woocommerce plugin, this theme opens up possibilities for online stores. And these features are just the beginning – there’s more to explore!